Soap Making Day Retreat: Like Fullers’ Soap

Soap Making Day Retreat: Like Fullers’ Soap

Join us for a day of soap making and meditation at Colomba le Roc on 9th June, the feast day of St Columba.


10.30 AM arrival and coffee

11 AM short act of worship and meditation 1

12 AM soap making (melt and pour method)

1 PM lunch (potluck, bring and share)

2 PM 2nd meditation

3 PM soap making (cold process) 

4.30 PM tea and departure

If you would like to attend this day retreat, please contact Joanne here.

Alternatively, you can leave a message on our answering machine: 0565 221311


Soap making involves using some costly materials we therefore suggest a contribution of around 25 euros towards the costs of this creative retreat.

Please note that soap making using the cold process takes a long time. The soap can only be cut or taken out of the moulds after two days or so and needs to cure for a month afterwards. This means that you will have to come back to cut the soap on Saturday, if you are unable to do so we can unmould and cut the soap for you and you can pick your soap up when convenient. However, the soap will need to cure and won’t be ready for use till at least one month after making it.

The melt and pour soap will be ready to take home on the day of the retreat.

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Open day at Colomba le Roc

Open day at Colomba le Roc

Find out more about St Columba of Iona and the why and how of our retreat house.

Discover why there is a well in our garden, or what the meaning is of the blue seat is.

Walk the labyrinth or just have a stroll in our woodlands, maybe you’ll find Mary or a few lost chicks, or even a pig or two.

Just enjoy the day and the place.

Feel free to bring your own picnic.

Please contact us here if you are planning to come.

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Cancelled: Look at the Lilies in the Field
to 3 May

Cancelled: Look at the Lilies in the Field

Cancelled due to the imposed lockdown in France.

This retreat is about meeting God in his Creation by walking through the woods, discovering beautiful wild flowers and enjoying the different birds and their amazing  songs. And who knows you may be lucky enough to see a dear or even a wild boar.

Except for worship and meditations this is a silent retreat.

Costs: 280 Euros p/p; with reduction when sharing

To book or for more information please contact us here.

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From the Cross to the Resurrection

From the Cross to the Resurrection

A Holy Saturday morning retreat around the creation of an Easter flower arrangement.

In the « in between time » of Holy Saturday we will be reflecting on the events of Good Friday and preparing for the joy of Easter through meditation , quiet time and liturgical flower arranging.

Bring your own flowers, secateurs and any containers you may wish to use for the flower arrangements.

If the weather allows this will be an outdoor activity. Nevertheless do bring your masks and preferred sanitising gel.


Arrival between 9.15 and 9.30 am

9.30 am welcome and introduction

9.45 am meditation 1

10.15 -11.00 am time of silence and reflection

This time can be used to gather branches, leaves, stones ... to include in the flower arrangement

11.00- 11.15 am Refreshments

11.15- 11.30 am  Meditation 2

11.30 am -12.15 pm Creating your own Easter flower arrangement

12.15-12.45 pm a time for sharing

12.45 Closing act of worship


Please let us know in advance if you would like to come as numbers are limited. You can contact us here.

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Walking the Stations of the Cross at Colomba le Roc

Walking the Stations of the Cross at Colomba le Roc

Join us on Good Friday for a meditative walk through our woods following in the footsteps of Jesus on his journey to the cross.

This is an outdoor event but for your safety and wellbeing we will follow the government regulations regarding social distancing and the wearing of masks.

Please contact us here if you are planning to come as numbers are restricted.

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